

Subject and purpose of work: The study examines the consequences of the coronavirus on training for jobseekers supported by county government offices in Hungary. Materials and methods: The study investigates the effects of the coronavirus in Hungary on the basis of the information obtained from trainings for jobseekers supported by county government offices. Before conducting the research the data provided by the Labour Market Department of the Division of Employment and Occupational Safety of the government office were obtained. Results: The amount of the earnings-related allowance paid during the pandemic period was HUF 2,369,404,800, which, calculated on the basis of the average earnings-related allowance in the country (HUF 128,800), could have given 6,132 people a new profession in the country. The digital form of education ordered by the Hungarian Government did not affect the trainings initiated by the county government offices. Act IV of 1991 on the Promotion of Employment and Unemployment Benefits, which supported trainings initiated under the Act and later, were suspended on the date of entry into force of the Decree for the duration of the emergency due to the force of law. No further trainings could be started during the period of emergency. Conclusions: There is no possibility of digital education and distance learning in the case of trainings supported by the government office. General courses based on personal interaction are conducted by training institutions commissioned by the government office. As a result, the pandemic period have caused enormous financial losses for the support sector. In the author’s opinion, the introduction of digital education in these forms of training, except for internships, could be a solution in similar situations that are likely to occur in the future.




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