Soil is a core element of the biosphere, and the soil cover is exposed to major processes that take place within this system. Therefore, it is very important to understand the results of soil research from the perspective of current global and local environmental problems. With the advent of new methods of spatial analysis and techniques for obtaining remote sensing data, geoinformation technologies offer great opportunities for analyzing the natural and ecological state of the region. Therefore, geoinformation analysis of the state of natural and anthropogenic transformed soils is an essential tool for their studying, forecasting the development of the natural environment, and working out the ways of rational farming. As forest territories have a beneficial effect on the natural and climatic situation in general, and vice versa, environmental degradation on agricultural lands will result in worsening the situation on forest lands, it is necessary to consider forest and agricultural areas in close integration with GIS technologies. It should be done to improve the overall natural environmental conditions. The study used soil survey data conducted in 2017-2019. Field and office studies were conducted: samples were taken in the field to determine the agrochemical parameters of the soil, and the data obtained were analyzed using mathematical and statistical methods. Digital cartographic materials were created using geoinformation technologies. The basis for a comprehensive natural and environmental assessment of forest and agricultural areas using geoinformation systems was laid. The studies conducted to identify changes in natural and anthropogenic transformed soils have shown that the contours of soil varieties have changed. In many cases, there is a deterioration in soil properties. The number of fertile chernozem has decreased. In areas with low crop cultivation, there are signs of a decrease in the humus horizon and the development of erosion processes. As a result of the conducted research, a single digital soil and geographical database for forest and agricultural territories were created. The developed methodology and algorithm for creating a database and digital cartographic basis using geoinformation technologies in environmental studies can be recommended as a base for similar studies both in the Republic of Bashkortostan and in other regions.