

Excerpts from the report Introduction: In the crop year 1949 about 2,200,000,000 bushels of corn, wheat, and soybeans were sold by farmers in the United States. A high percentage of this grain moved through an estimated 23,000 country elevators on its way to processors and subterminal and terminal storage facilities. If the marketing margin taken by these country elevators was between 5 and 6 cents per bushel, as was the margin received by the elevators included in this study, their income for the 1949 crop was more than 100 million dollars. There has been a growing demand for information that will show how to determine the proper location, layout, and size of a country elevator and set forth the operating methods, equipment, and practices that would result in maximum efficiency. Such information is needed by people who desire to build new elevators as well as by operators who desire to make improvements in existing facilities. In order to provide the desired information, this survey of the facilities, equipment, and methods of operation of a representative number of country elevators in the State of Indiana was undertaken.




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