@article{Mjelde:30939, recid = {30939}, author = {Mjelde, James W. and Harris, Wesley D. and Conner, J. Richard and Schnitkey, Gary D. and Glover, Michael K. and Garoian, Lee}, title = {EXISTENCE OF UNIQUE LIMITING PROBABILITY VECTORS IN STOCHASTIC PROCESSES WITH MULTIPLE TRANSITION MATRICES}, journal = {Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics}, address = {1992-12}, number = {1835-2016-148975}, pages = {11}, year = {1992}, abstract = {Concepts associated with stochastic process containing multiple transition matricies are discussed. It is proved that under certain conditions, a process with m transition matrices has m unique limiting probability vectors. This result extends the notion of discrete Markov processes to problems with intrayear and interyear dynamics. An example using a large DP model illustrates the usefulness of the concepts developed to applied problems.}, url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/30939}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.30939}, }