

Food insecurity is a notable state of the well-being of people. However, the common determinants of food insecurity have nevertheless to be formally known, especially for the coastal region. This study aims to investigate the demographic and socio-economic determinants of food insecurity of the fishermen communities in the coastal areas, namely Galachipa, Kalapara and Dumki upazilas in Patuakhali district of Bangladesh. A two-stage cluster sampling technique has been used for getting the primary data (n=200). The food insecurity status was measured by using Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) suggested under the indicator of 2.1.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Logistic regression model has been used to identify the determinants of food insecurity status. Results reveal that families having larger number of members are more likely to be food insecure than the families with small numbers of members. Also, households having monthly income level below BDT 5000 are more food insecure than their counterparts. Another important determinant by which food insecurity is significantly affected is the education of household head. A range of viable policy interventions for the fishermen communities have been recommended. These include i) diversification of income generating opportunities, ii) improving education status of the community to enable to shift to safer employment when necessary, iii) building awareness on adverse effects of bigger family size through family planning campaign, and iv) providing skilled based training and necessary credit access among the unemployed members of the household.




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