Excerpts from the report Introduction: As a result of depressed prices to growers in recent years, cranberry marketing organizations have been searching for new or improved products that would increase total sales and bring about more satisfactory returns to growers. Production of frozen cranberries for sale when fresh berries are out of season has been considered as a means of extending the marketing period. The freezing process is relatively simple, and frozen berries experience little loss in weight and volume. Fresh cranberries, on the other hand, shrink as much as 33 percent when stored for extended periods of time and are subject to spoilage and loss of quality. An important factor in deciding whether or not to market cranberries in frozen form is consumer reaction to the product. Since no information on this point was available, the Department of Agriculture undertook research intended to provide the industry with data on consumer acceptance of frozen cranberries . The purpose of this report is to describe the reactions to frozen berries of homemakers who participated in the study. It should be of interest to producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, and others concerned with the marketing of cranberries.