      recid = {308758},
      author = {Baill, I. M.},
      title = {The Farmer and Old-Age Security:  A Summary Analysis of  Four Studies 1951-54 },
      address = {1955-12},
      number = {1474-2021-191},
      series = {Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 151},
      pages = {43},
      year = {1955},
      abstract = {Excerpts from the report Summary:  Economic security in  old age has received increasing attention in recent years,  and through Federal old age insurance, private pension  plans or some similar measure, most workers in business and  industry now enjoy at least minimum financial security in  old age.  Until recent years, farmers believed farm  ownership provided their best approach to security and they  faced old age with more assurance than persons in most  other occupations. But in the period since the passage of  the Social Security Act of 1935, which excluded farmers,  changing developments in and out of agriculture have  affected their attitude toward social security.  Although  the fundamental shift from subsistence to commercial   agriculture enhanced the level of living of farm families  it may have weakened to some extent their economic  security.  High employment levels since World War II have  given many farmers and their families job opportunities  outside of agriculture in which they could become  acquainted with the Federal system of Old Age and Survivors  Insurance [OASI].  This report presents a summary analysis  of four State surveys conducted to obtain objective data on  the economic security of farmers, their retirement plans,  and their attitudes toward OASI.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/308758},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.308758},