The objective of this research was to determine the economic profitability of greenhouse tomato production in Valle de Tulancingo Hidalgo in the March 2018-February 2019 cycle. During July and August 2019, a semi-structured survey was applied to eight Cooperative Tomato Production Units of Tomato (UCPJ) in 42 700 m2 in order to calculate the Cost Benefit Ratio (RBC) and determine their economic profitability. Total production was 1 294.33 ton, sold in the Mexican and United States markets at an average price of 8.00/kg, generating jobs and food for the population. The RBC ranged between 1.51 and 2.01, indicating that all UCPJ were profitable. The sale of tomato in the international market increases the RBC of the production units,but implies support and specialized technical advice for the certification of product quality.