      recid = {303861},
      author = {Sumets, Alexander },
      title = {Методичний підхід до оцінки системи менеджменту виробничих  підприємств},
      journal = {Agricultural and Resource Economics: International  Scientific E-Journal},
      address = {2020-06-20},
      number = {1868-2020-1168},
      month = {Jun},
      year = {2020},
      abstract = {Purpose. The aim of the study is to develop a methodical  approach to the operational assessment of management system  of manufacturing enterprises based on indicators that  characterise the organizational structure, management  personnel and the effectiveness of its activities.  Methodology / method / approach. Theoretical and  methodological basis of the study is a dialectical method  of cognition, conceptual framework and results of  researches conducted by domestic and foreign scientists on  the issues of management system of manufacturing  enterprises. The research was carried out with modern  general and specific scientific methods: abstract-logical –  for theoretical generalizations of results of scientific  researches and their conclusions; inductive-deductive – to  develop a system of indicators for the assessment of  enterprise management system; monographic – to deepen the  understanding of the concept of «management system»;  questionnaire survey of experts – to form the most suitable  indicators for operational evaluation. The information base  of the study was statistical and financial statement of oil  and fat companies. Results. The algorithm of the assessment  of management system of manufacturing enterprises is  developed. The algorithm is aimed at evaluating the  organizational structure of enterprise management,  management personnel and the effectiveness of its  activities. The optimum sufficient list of indicators to  evaluate the management system of manufacturing enterprises  is substantiated. The method of the assessment of  management system of manufacturing enterprises is offered  for practical application. Originality / scientific  novelty. For the first time, the article suggests a  methodical approach to the assessment of management system  of manufacturing enterprises applying appropriate  indicators, which does not require additional scientific  investigation. Practical value / significance. The proposed  methodical approach is supposed to be applied in  enterprises for organizing analytical work aimed at the  assessment of effectiveness of management system over a  span of three, five or more years. The results of the  calculations could be useful for annual adjustment (if  necessary) of organizational and economic mechanism of  enterprise management.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/303861},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.303861},