

This monograph has been prepared under the Multi-Annual Programme 2015-2019 “The Polish and the EU agricultures 2020+. Challenges, chances, threats, proposals”. The work aimed at analysis of different types of risk and its valuation in the food economy. Additionally, the authors presented the possibilities within the field of risk management. An active part of the state and the European Union in the field was shown in the background. Chapters: The role of public policy in risk management: the case of the Hungarian Risk Management System. Price prediction tool for risk management and policy-making purposes in agriculture. Risk management practices of agricultural enterprises – evidence from Estonia. An index-based margin insurance for agriculture – the example of wheat production in Austria. Demand and supply in delivering public goods in agriculture: South Central Planning Region in Bulgaria case study. Analysis of the competitiveness of Serbia in terms of attracting investments in agriculture and rural development. An approach based on state-space models for the agricultural production risk assessment. Price transmission in dairy industry in Bulgaria. Measuring production risk in Lithuanian crop farming. Risk and uncertainty management in agricultural holding. Agricultural production risks and their solutions in Slovakia. Mitigating financial risk through agile balancing between market orientation and total quality management factors: evidence from B&H beverages industry. Methodology for integral estimation of Ukrainian agriculture efficiency. Entrepreneurial process and risks in small and medium-sized organic agricultural holdings in Serbia. Critical factors for risk reduction in the Serbian agri-food sector. Structural changes and agri-environmental assessment of agriculture in Bulgaria. Successful certification schemes as a tool for marketing risk mitigation: case study – organic and traditional labels in B&H. The risks of rural development in Ukraine.




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