

In the lactation stage the calf is essentially monogastric so it depends on the liquid food to survive, however, it is convenient to induce it to the early ingestion of food, to prepare it for weaning. The use of natural substances in the treatment of different diseases, including those of infectious etiology, is currently a challenge in medicine veterinary and is offered as an alternative, especially in those diseases for which there is no adequate remedy. The objective of this work was to determine the cost of feeding Holstein calves fed whole milk supplemented with extracts of medicinal plants. 90 newborn animals were used, randomly included in 1 of 3 treatments. T1 = control, T2 = Moringa extract 10 ml/calf /day, T3 = Citrus extract 10 ml calf /day. In all the treatments, 432 l of pasteurized whole milk divided into two doses/day were given at 07:00 and 15:00 respectively, the addition of the extracts was carried out in the milk tub at the time of feeding them. The first colostrum intake (2 l) was given within 2 h after birth, after which they were given a second (2 l) 6 h after the first one. The variables to evaluate the cost of feeding were considered milk and concentrate consumption during the first 60 days of life. From the variables evaluated, a statistical difference was observed in favor of the control group and where citrus extract was added.




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