      recid = {289800},
      author = {Lakner, Sebastian and Holst, Carsten and Pe'er, Guy},
      title = {Ecological impacts of Greening versus Agri-Environmental  and Climate Measures (AECM): An ecological-economic  evaluation for Lower Saxony, Germany},
      address = {2019-05-29},
      number = {2230-2019-1971},
      month = {May},
      year = {2019},
      abstract = {The introduction of Greening and the ecological focus area  (EFA) due to the CAP-reform 2013 has introduced a new  agri-environmental instrument into the CAPs first pillar,  aside of the established agri-environmental and climate  measures (AECM) within the second pillar. This introduction  poses the questions, to what extent both instruments are  collaborating to achieve positive environmental outcome.  The paper presents an economic-ecological method to  evaluate both EFA and AECM measures evaluation on arable  land with respect to biodiversity. We investigate the  effectiveness and efficiency and the spatial impact of EFA  and AECM using the approximation method of the ecology  score, which is based on an ecological ex-ante evaluation.  The results show that EFA has taken a large area within  Lower Saxony mainly with catch crops. The AECM has reduced  it’s are from 2012 to 2016, however, increased its  respective funds, which suggests a trend for more ‘dark  green’ AECM. The spatial analysis shows that EFA achieves  effects mainly in arable regions of Eastern Lower Saxony.  Both measures show rather low coherence, only on 15.4% of  the land we find synergetic effects of both measures. The  funds per ecology score suggests, that EFA has a lower  efficiency (596 EUR/ES) in comparison to AECM (307  EUR/ES).},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/289800},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.289800},