

232 indicators have been selected to monitor the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation (UN 2018), the European Union (EU) Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF), introduced with the aim of measuring the performance of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implementation of the CAP reform 2014-2020, counts 45 context indicators, 84 output indicators, 41 result indicators, 24 target indicators and sixteen impact indicators (EU COM 2018). Questions such as overlap and synergies between different indicator systems, but also questions regarding the appropriate choice and targeting of chosen indicators (e.g. environmental issues or state of animal welfare) or lack of indicators for specific context and fields of controversies (e.g. external dimension of the CAP) arise. This work aims to address questions of choice, overlap and synergies across different indicator systems with a focus on CAP indicators and the SDG indicator system. Special attention is be given to the proposed agri-environmental indicators. In a comparative, descriptive analysis, we qualitatively compare the indicator systems provided for the measuring of the EU agricultural sector and SDG performance and identify synergies, overlap or lack of alignment. The results further the understanding of synergies and linkages between the indicator systems and facilitate




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