      recid = {287520},
      author = {Ndembe, Elvis and Bangsund, Dean A. and Hodur, Nancy M.},
      title = {Resident and Nonresident Hunter and Angler Expenditures,  Characteristics, and Economic Effects, north Dakota,  2017-2018},
      address = {2019-01-23},
      number = {1187-2019-1587},
      series = {Agribusiness and Applied Economics Report No. 785},
      month = {Jan},
      year = {2019},
      abstract = {The purpose of this study was to estimate the economic  effects of hunting and fishing activities during the  2017-2018 season on the North Dakota economy, and to  compare current information to previous studies to identify  trends in hunting and angling activities. A mail survey of  24,451 resident hunters and anglers and 7,914 nonresident  hunters and anglers was conducted to solicit information on  19 hunting and fishing activities during the 2017-2018  season. Total spending by hunters and anglers in North  Dakota during the 2017-2018 season was estimated at $974.4  million, excluding purchases of licenses. Resident hunter  and angler expenditures were estimated at $846.8 million,  and nonresident hunter and angler expenditures were  estimated at $127.6 million. Hunting expenditures were  estimated at $186.6 million, and fishing expenditures were  estimated at $787.8 million. Residents spent a total of  $486.4 million in rural areas while nonresidents spent  $89.6 million. Total direct expenditures ($974.4 million)  from hunting and fishing in North Dakota generated $1,139.1  million in secondary economic effects. Gross business  volume (direct and secondary effects) of hunting and  fishing in North Dakota was estimated at $2.1 billion.  Hunting and fishing activities were estimated to generate  $48.2 million in general state tax collections and support  3,263 full-time equivalent jobs throughout the state. As a  result of increased average per person spending in most  hunting and fishing activities and increased number of  participants in some activities, total spending in North  Dakota increased by $267.3 million or 38 percent from  2011-12 to 2017-2018. Total spending by resident hunters  and anglers increased by $290.2 million or 52 percent,  while nonresident spending increased by $41.4 million or 48  percent over the period. Hunter expenditures adjusted for  inflation decreased by $52.7 million or 22 percent decline,  while angler expenditures increased by $320.0 million or 68  percent over the period. Gross business volume from all  hunting and fishing activities increased by $595.9 million  (39 percent) over the period. Despite the loss of a  substantial amount of wildlife habitat since the previous  study (2011/2012), collective spending by hunters and  anglers is larger than previous estimates and remains an  economically important industry in North Dakota. Key  observations from this study are that hunters are spending  less money afield—primarily driven by fewer opportunities  linked to large declines in deer populations—but  collectively hunters are spending more on equipment and  gear than observed in previous studies despite diminished  in-state hunting opportunities. The number of anglers has  increased substantially (both resident and nonresident) as  well as the per-person spending on gear and equipment. The  increase in fishing expenditures, both open water and ice  fishing, has completely offset reductions in hunting  expenditures.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/287520},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.287520},