

Global food and nutrition security (FNS) is a multi-faceted issue in need of a more integrated and coherent governance approach. Currently there is no clear vision by international organizations or policymakers how such an integrated approach should or could look like. In the FOODSECURE project, in a science-driven process, stakeholders of global FNS jointly developed exploratory future scenarios on FNS, along with visions for action and policy options. The results of these stakeholder workshops are indicative of a paradigm shift in visions on FNS that go beyond ‘productionist’ perspectives and emphasize the integration of health, environment and the role of society. Interesting highlights were the ideas to invest in nutrition education, linked to an awareness on the socio-cultural value of food, to incorporate the right to food in constitutions worldwide, and the emphasis on the facilitating role that national governments can (or should) continue to play in our globalized world. What also could be witnessed was how stakeholders brought in a socio-political and ethical dimension that questioned the limits and assumptions of the scenarios that were starting points for the discussions.




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