At the beginning of 2012, a small group of economists working on non-market valuation, led by Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu, decided to meet regularly to share their knowledge on valuation methods. The main objectives of this workshop were (i) to provide a forum for dissemination of high-quality papers presenting recent developments in theoretical and empirical analyses in the field of non-market valuation and (ii) to create a network of researchers (including worldwide experts) that would meet every year. WONV quickly became an annual international workshop. Every year, about 30 researchers meet in a different European city. Both theoretical and applied papers dealing with stated preference methods (e.g., contingent valuation, choice experiments) and revealed preference methods (e.g., travel cost method, hedonic pricing method) are presented. Empirical applications mainly deal with environmental and resource economics but applications to other domains (e.g., health, agriculture) are welcome.