

KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A survey of 55 participants in national-level policy processes around agriculture and food security in Malawi was implemented in 2015 (baseline) and in 2017/18 (endline) to examine the quality of these processes and the institutions involved. The 2015 baseline survey analysis showed that assessments of the quality of these processes were positive, even if improvements were still needed. However, contrary to expectations, the endline survey of 2017/18 showed increased pessimism among respondents as to the quality of the processes and the institutions involved in them. This result was unexpected, as policy developments around agriculture and food security between 2015 and 2017/18 were positive—several important agricultural policy achievements had been realized. However, Malawi also experienced recurrent widespread food insecurity crises over this period. Consequently, there is a disconnect between the reasonably high quality of the policies and strategies developed through these processes and the results obtained. Respondents to the endline survey were more skeptical than anticipated of the quality of these policy processes. Better quality policy processes are not sufficient for achieving better outcomes in Malawi’s agricultural sector and food security for Malawi’s citizens. Effective implementation of the policies developed through these processes is the most important proof of their quality and value. Policy implementation remains inadequate and a continuing challenge.




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