      recid = {278380},
      author = {Colyer, Dale},
      address = {1979-07},
      number = {2135-2018-6395},
      pages = {12},
      year = {1979},
      abstract = {In 1932, the West Virginia Legislature adopted and in a  referendum the voters approved a Tax Limitation Amendment  (TLA) to the State Constitution, which had features similar  to California's Proposition 13. While the economic  situation at the time and in the State were very different  than in California in 1977, a study of the long run impacts  of the TLA can be useful in helping understand and cope  with problems that arise. The major impacts of the TLA were  on services, other taxes, and the transfer of functions  from local government units to the State. These will be  examined after a brief discussion of the TLA.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/278380},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.278380},