

Since the 2007-2008 world food crisis and accounting for the recurrent food crises which have affected West-Africa region within the last two decades; West-African countries have re-launched procurement programs and rebuilt food stocks. In Benin the procurement program was launched in 2008-2009. It is a state intervention on cereals market through the food reserve system. The food reserve policy operates two programs: a) market access program and b) food subsidy program implementing the fair-price-shop approach. The stratified random sampling technic was used and consumers households were clustered into participants and non-participants in the fair-price-shop program. Data were collected in 2014, 6 years after the start of the food reserve policy. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used and 210 respondents were surveyed. A treatment effect model was developed to accommodate the program operation rules; it accommodates simultaneous effect and variables of different types. The Multivariate Endogenous Treatment Effect model reveals that Fair-price-shop intervention approach as safety net program is effective at stabilizing maize market price, facilitating access to staple in shortage times and at selecting the periods for stocks release. Further it informs also, about the effectiveness of the program design in targeting the appropriate beneficiaries. Keywords: food reserve policy, fair-price-shop approach, Multivariate Endogenous Treatment Effect model. Acknowledgement :




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