      recid = {277222},
      author = {Sakamma, S. and Umesh, K.B. and Rangegowda, R.},
      title = {Resource use efficiency and externality associated with  banana production in Karnataka, (India)},
      address = {2018-07},
      year = {2018},
      abstract = {The study was conducted in Hilly Zones of Karnataka to  assess the resource use efficiency and externalities in  banana and its competing crop. Cobb-Douglas type of  production function (per hectare), was used to assess the  resource use efficiency in banana and its competing crops  production. Resource use efficiency in banana production  was high in case of chemical fertilizer (4.32) followed by  sucker (3.25), FYM (2.47) and irrigation (1.93), indicating  considerable scope to increase banana production by  increasing the level of these inputs. The resources were  over utilized in case of competing crops (paddy and  ginger). Thus, farmers can reduce the wastage of resources  by cultivating banana crop. The externality for resource  use in banana and its competing crops was quantified. The  results revealed that the cost incurred on fertilizers was  more in case of ginger (Rs. 43,200/ha) followed by banana  (Rs. 25,450/ha) and paddy (Rs. 9,644/ ha). With respect to  PPC also the cost was more in ginger (Rs. 69,519/ha)  compared to paddy (Rs.5,630/ ha) and banana (Rs. 3,893/  ha). This clearly indicated that ecologically banana has  very less negative impact due to less usage of PPC.  

Acknowledgement : },
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/277222},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.277222},