

An investigation was carried out in the laboratory to study the efficacy of leaf dust of neem (Azadirachta indica), biskatali (Polygonum hydropiper) and a byproduct eg. ash @ 5g/500g grain for the control of stored grain pests of rice. The efficacy were assessed on the basis of insect pest abundance, insect infestation, seed weight loss and germination capacity of the treated seeds. The results revealed that all the treatments were effective against stored grain pests regarding insect abundance and insect pest infestation. In case of seed weight loss neem dust showed best result followed by ash and biskatali. The dust form of neem leaf, biskatali leaf and ash did not show any adverse effect on germination capacity of seeds even after 6 months of storage. It is concluded that leaf dusts of neem and biskatali and the byproduct ash can be used as safe and low cost methods for management of rice pests in storage.




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