With a view to develop and establish- a protocol for rapid micropropagation of bamboo, root tip explants of Bambusa tulda were used. Root tip explants of Bambusa tulda were cultured in MS medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of 2,4-D and BAP. 2,4-D at 4 mgl.:1 in combination with BAP at 3 mgt:1 produced calli from root tip explants after 15 days of culture. Subsequently the calli were subcultured in the same medium containing different concentrations and combinations of 2,4-D and BAP. Use of 2,4-D at 3 mgl.:1 and BAP at 4 mg1:1 showed better performance than others. Green shoots were observed after 15 days of subculture and subsequent growth and development were also better in the same combination. After regeneration of shoots a rapid growth rate (1.508 mm day') was observed at 3 mgL.:1 2,4-D and 4 mg1:1 BAP. The developed shoots from root tip explants were then transferred to the same medium containing Indole acetic acid (IAA; 1mgL-1) for rooting. Rooting was absent in that medium.