

BINA-6 (Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture-6) Tice variety is a profitable enterprise irrespective of farm size. Its profitability increases with the increase in farm size. All the contributory variables in the production function have positive and significant impacts on the yield of BINA-6 rice. Among them impacts of animal labour and power tiller and irrigation are highly significant. Resource allocation efficiency analysis shows that production process of BINA-6 rice is going on in the rational zone of production (i.e, in stage-II) where resources are being used efficiently. Results of the sensitivity analysis reveals that BINA-6 rice is profitable compared to BR-28 and BR-29 (BRRI Dhan 28 and BRRI Dhan 29 respectively) and it was still potential in changed economic condition of rice production. Researchers are suggested to take initiate to reduce the maturity period of BINA-6 rice variety and extension workers uld policy makers should take necessary steps to expand the cultivation of this rice all over the country.




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