A study was conducted to evaluate the impact of electrification of irrigation tubewells on farmers economy of boro rice production during 2002-2003 in Jamalpur district. Thirty electrified tubewells (20 shallow tubewells and 10 deep tubewells) and ten non-electrified shallow tubewells were randomly selected in the study area for evaluation purpose. It was evident that the owners of electrified tubewells were highly benefited from water selling to the farmers who were also more benefited than the farmers under non-electrified tubewells from their boro production. To see the water management effect, a field experiment was also carried out considering four irrigation treatments with three replication following the Randomized Block Design (RBD) in the same study area. In the experimental plots seedlings of BRRI Dhan 28 (Boro) were transplanted on 31 January 2003 on silty loam soil and they were harvested on 9 May 2003. The results showed that the yield and yield contributing characters of boro rice were significantly influenced by different irrigation treatments. The highest grain yield of 6.35 t/ha was obtained in treatment T1 (Farmers' practice) using 1334 mm irrigation water. Alternatively the treatments T4 (alternate wetting and drying), T3 (irrigation at saturation) and T2 (2-5 cm standing water) saved about 30, 20 and 8 percent of valuable water by sacrificing only 11, 6 and 1 percent of yield, respectively than that of treatment Tl. Thus, from the experimental findings, it revealed that T4 was the best among all treatments for saving the costly irrigation input as well as for getting reasonably higher yield.