

Guizhou Province is an important distribution area of wild onion resources, and a large area of wild (Chinese) chives are distributed in Hezhang County. In order to understand and study the distribution of wild chives, the geographical distribution, habitats and climate of wild chives in Hezhang County were investigated, and the main nutrition components of wild chives were analyzed. The results indicated that there were mainly three kinds of wild chives distributed in Hezhang County, including Allium wallichii Kunth., Allium ovalifolium Hand. -Mazz. (tentatively named), and Allium hookeri Thwaites (tentatively named). Among the 17 kinds of amino acids, except for proline, the content of other amino acids in wild chives was higher than that of the cultivated chives (Allaum tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng.). The sugar content of wild chives was significantly lower than the cultivated chives. Among nine trace elements, the manganese, zinc and iron content of A. ovalifolium Hand. -Mazz. were significantly higher than that of the cultivated chives and other wild chives. Among the four kinds of heavy metals, cadmium content in the three kinds of wild chives exceeded the limitation of the national standard, and cadmium content in A. ovalifolium Hand. -Mazz. was significantly higher than that of the others. Arsenic, mercury and lead content in A. ovalifolium Hand. -Mazz. also exceeded the limitation of the national standard. Vitamin C content in leaves and stalk of A. wallichii Kunth. in the original habits was higher than that of the cultivated chives. The biological characteristics and nutrition components of the wild chives from Hezhang County were significantly different from that of the cultivated chives. The collection and preservation of these resources is of great significance to the enriching of diversity of Chinese chive resources and has great development and utilization value to the improvement of nutritional quality of Chinese chives.



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