

Our paper surveys certain explanatory factors for ‘control’ and its financial consequences. Control describes to what extent an individual feel responsible for the things happening to them and also to what extent external factors are blamed. (In general, a person with internal control perceives the positive or negative events happening to them as a controllable consequence of their own behaviour. In contrast, a person with external control perceives the positive or negative happenings as if there were not any correlations with behavioural patterns and personality traits.) Results show that the elderly tend to be internally controlled when compared with the young and those with higher qualification are also rather controlled internally. It is typical that those with higher income and the self-supporters (who study without the support of their parents) are rather internally controlled. Moreover, the person with internal control is characterised by thrifty and self-supporting attitude as they dare to ask for credit and debts do not bother them as much as the individual with external control.




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