      recid = {268358},
      author = {Blundell, Richard and Browning, Martin and Meghir, Costas},
      title = {A Microeconometric Model of Intertemporal Substitution and  Consumer Demand },
      address = {1989-08-08},
      number = {2068-2018-745},
      pages = {38},
      year = {1989},
      abstract = {In this paper we investigate the relationship between  within-period preferences and the degree of intertemporal  substitution. We first present a theoretical discussion  which argues that the form of within-period preferences and  the way these differ across consumers may have important  consequences for the formulation and specification of  intertemporal models. We then apply this methodology to a  detailed study of disaggregate household expenditure  patterns using a pooled cross-section of some 70,000  households across 15 years. Our objective is to assess the  degree of intertemporal substitution across different  household types avoiding aggregation bias and accounting  for nonadditive within-period preferences and nonlinearity  in Engel curves. },
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/268358},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.268358},