      recid = {262635},
      author = {Shafieyan, Mohsen  and Homayounfar, Mahdi  and Fadaei,  Mehdi },
      title = {Identification of Strategies for Sustainable Development  of Rice Production in Guilan Province Using SWOT Analysis},
      journal = {International Journal of Agricultural Management and  Development (IJAMAD)},
      address = {2017-06-01},
      number = {1047-2017-1724},
      year = {2017},
      abstract = {Sustainable development is one of the most important  issues that can be considered from different aspects and in  different contexts including sustainable agriculture. This  study aimed to investigate the main strategies related to  sustainable development of rice production as an important  agricultural product in Guilan Province using a SWOT  analysis. To this end, different internal (strengths and  weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats)  factors affecting rice production development were reviewed  in the literature. Next, a questionnaire was designed based  on the potential opportunities, threats, strengths and  weaknesses in the literature and the initial interview of  the experts; then, the experts were asked to determine the  importance of factors on a five-point Likert type scale.  The results showed that the rice production received the  total scores of 2.14 and 2.24 for the External Factor  Evaluation (EFE) matrix and the Internal Factor Evaluation  (IFE) matrix, respectively, indicating the ineffectiveness  of the industry’s strategies. These scores mapped the  position of rice production in Guilan Province. Finally, a  number of strategies for sustainable development of rice  crop were outlined in order to reduce the weaknesses, avoid  the threats, improve the strengths, and grasp the  opportunities for the rice production of Guilan Province.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/262635},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.262635},