The pigeon pea Cajanua e&jan is an important cultivated legume in the Caribbean. It is attacked by several insect pests. The pod borers Ancylostomia stercorea, Fundella pellucens and Hellothis virescens are major limiting factors. A. stercorea has a rich complex of natural enemies in Trinidad and some of these may be given trials i.n territories where they do not occur. While some natural enemies of F. pellucens and H. virescens are known, these are inefficient. There is a need to introduce exotic natural enemies of these as well as related pod borers to improve natural control. The parasites usually build after severe initial borer damage has been inflicted. Possibilities of control by use of pheromones as well as by efficient use of chemical pesticides at early stage of damage by the borers need to be investigated. Two hitherto insignificant borers Pococera atramentalis and Sphenarches caffer have in recent years been seen inflicting severe damage which calls for investigations of susceptibility of new varieties of pigeon peas.