Stemochetus mangiferae (F,), mango seed weevil (MSW) was Firsl reported in the Caribbean in 1984 in St Lucia and by 1986 had spread to Barbados, Dominica, French Guyana, Guadeloupe and Martinique. Since entering Barbados, MSW has spread throughout the island but with generally heavier infestation levels in the northern half of the island (30%) compared with the southern half with less than 10%, in one parish (St Joseph) more than 72 % of all fruit collected were infested. All varieties sampled were infested. Germination tests of infested seed indicated that viable seedlings could be obtained from damaged seed but this was dependent on the extent of damage; the embryo should be intact but up to 50% of the cotyledons could be destroyed. Since its introduction in 1986, MSW has caused BDS$!04,123 (US$1.00 = Bds$2.00) to be spent by the Government on survey costs and research including control attempts. Of more importance is the quarantine significance of MSW to Barbados which is attempting lo increase its mango production for export as part of its agricultural diversification thrust.