The Hua Moa plantain is a clone commercially grown in Hawaii and other Pacific islands for fresh food. This plantain has not been field evaluated in Puerto Rico, but preliminary culinary tests conducted at TARS determined that it has potential for diverse uses as either a green or ripe fruit. The fruit is somewhat cylindrical and stout, producing large, uniform slices, and the pulp texture is soft. Three types of planting material, field-obtained conventional suckers (Conv) and 3- and 6-month-otd greenhouse grown explants (TC-A and TC-B), were evaluated for plant and bunch characteristics and yield. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with six replications and four plants per replications. Means for days from planting to harvesting (DPH), days from flowering to harvesting (DFH). and plant height (PHT) were significantly different. Bunches from Conv plants were harvested earlier (361 days) than those from TC-B (390) and TC-A(410). Fruits of TC-A plants reached the mature green stage earlier (57 days) than those of TC-B (67) and Conv (68). Conv plants were shorter (2.12 m) than those of TC-B (2.23) and TC-A (2.32). There was no significant effect among treatments on yield components. Bunch weight ranged from 8.0 to 9.2 kg and fruit weight from 0.26 to 0.29 kg, with an average of 31 fruits per bunch for all treatments.