Diy matter (DM) yield, in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and contents of protein (CP) and fibre (NDF) of King grass (Pennisetum purpureum κ P. typhoides) were evaluated in two ecozoncs in centra] Jamaica - mid Clarendon/Manchester (in CM) and southern Manchester/St. Elizabeth (sME) - in order to determine its suitability as fodder crop for goal production. The parameters were determined on 6-wk (mCM$ and sMEg) or 9-wk (sMEj) regrowih in a randomized block design with four replicates, and treatment means tested as designed orthogonal contrasts: mCMs ν sME6, sMEg and sMEß ν sMEj. Goat manure was applied at the rate of 10-25 l/ha/yr. CP% (mCMs =16.5; sMEe = 11.3; sME, = 10.8), IVOMD% (61,5; 54.8; 56.2), and yield (t/ha/yr) of DM (30,2; 2.4; 14.3), CP (4,90; 0.27; 1.72) and DOM (18.5; 1.3; 8.1) were all significanUy lower (P<0.05) and NDP/0 (64.4; 68.6; 67.8) significantly higher (P<0.05) for soudiern Manchcsler/St, Elizabeth compared with mid Clarendon/Manchester. Harvesting at 9-wk compared with 6-wk interval in southern Manchester/St Elizabeth appeared to improve the yield components, but the differences were not significant (P>0.05). Nutrient contents were also similar for the two liarvcsting intervals. It was concluded that under rainfed conditions and low input regime King grass should not be recommended for southern Manchester/St Elizabeth.