The Author discusses the relationship between the productivity of the labour factor and its remuneration. The analysis is focused on a comparison of agriculture to the national economy and its selected sectors. Both static and dynamic approaches are applied. The relationship between the productivity of the labour factor and its remuneration gives information whether the remuneration results from the productivity. Producer’s equilibrium, zero profit conditions and the problem of the allocation and distribution in the sectoral perspective are the theoretical basis for such an analysis. It is demonstrated whether (and to what extent) labour productivity is the source of funding remuneration in a given sector. Secondly, the analysis allows to assess rationality of the allocation of the labour factor and distribution of value added among sectors. The results can indicate i.a. whether agriculture benefits or loses from such a distribution. The analysis consists of two parts. In the first step the Author derives analytical formulas similar to the idea of the unit labour costs and presents theoretical proof. In the second step, empirical study is conducted based mainly on the graphical illustration.