      recid = {256799},
      author = {Ramcharan, C. and Bulbulla, A.},
      title = {Producing Potted Poinsettias for Christmas in the U.S.  Virgin Islands},
      address = {1998-07-12},
      number = {1884-2017-666},
      pages = {7},
      year = {1998},
      abstract = {Both local poinsettia (Xmas snowflake, Euphorbia  leucocephala Lotsy ) and the traditional imported  poinsettia (E.pulcherrima Willd) can beproduced as potted  plants for Christmas in the U.S.,Virgin Islands. Xmas  snowflakes can be grown from seed in August and forced to  flower by December 19 using a combination of pruning and  Cycocel drench at 300Oppm. No imposed photoperiod is  required thus reducing cost ofproduction. Traditional  poinsettia ofthe 'Annette Hegg' type can also be forced but  require the application of much more potent growth  retardants and the imposition of short days if they are to  flower in time for the Xmas market. The Red 'AB' required  the application of Uniconazole (UZ) at 025mg.liter-' for  the production of the most attractive plants while the  White 'AB' flowered best when treated wiith Paclobutrazol  (PZ) at Img.liter'. The 'AB' types necessitated the  imposition ofartificial short days from 8am to 5pm using  black shade cloth starting on November 1 for optimum bract  development and coloration.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/256799},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.256799},