      recid = {253397},
      author = {Tleubayev, Alisher and Bobojonov, Ihtiyor and Götz, Linde  and Hockmann, Heinrich and Glauben, Thomas},
      title = {Determinants of productivity and efficiency of wheat  production in Kazakhstan: A Stochastic Frontier Approach},
      address = {2017},
      number = {918-2016-72622},
      series = {IAMO Discussion Paper},
      pages = {18},
      year = {2017},
      abstract = {Agriculture plays an important role for Kazakhstan not  only because of rural employment, but also
because of the  diversity it brings to its oil dependent economy. A  considerable increase in grain
exports was achieved during  the recent years, however, there still is a large room for  in-creasing
productivity and efficiency to boost the  agricultural potential of the country further. The  government
of Kazakhstan has introduced several policy  packages in the past to boost productivity
and efficiency,  however, the impact of these reforms has not been yet  analyzed quantitatively.
Micro level data collected from  200 farms in northern Kazakhstan in 2015 is used in the  analysis, in
order to fill this research gap. A mixture of  evidences is found in terms of policy effect  on
productivity and efficiency. The results of the analysis  showed that direct subsidy access reduced
the efficiency,  while access to supply chain infrastructure had the  opposite effect and increased
the efficiency. Therefore,  the study concludes that the government should divert its  policy
support from direct subsidy payments to the  improvement of agricultural infrastructure. This  will
influence positively not only productivity and  efficiency, but also Kazakhstan’s commitments
towards  international and regional trade agreements.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/253397},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.253397},