In March 2016 the 2nd Symposium of Economics in Horticulture took place at the Thünen Institute in Braunschweig. It was organized by the Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the horticultural research network WeGa e. V. The 2nd Symposium ad-dressed the opportunities and threats of the recent sustainability and regionality trends in na-tional and international horticultural supply chains. Several keynote speakers and 18 presenta-tions by scientists shed light on various ecological, social and economic aspects of sustainability and regionality in horticulture. Examples include analyses of the potential to reduce the use of glyphosate in German vegetable production, the economic effects of increasing minimum wages in horticulture, the climate friendliness of regional marketing chains, and the effects of private quality standards on the international fresh fruit trade. Furthermore, papers on new production techniques such as production of asparagus under various types of plastic foils, and the adapta-tion to changing climate conditions were presented. This Thünen Report shows the symposium papers.