Health and safety are important factors in today's life. Most
of studies show that consuming the chicken that has anti
biotic caused different diseases like digestive vessel cancer. Attention
to controlled use of antibiotics can play a key role in
society health which considered in the production of green
chicken. Planning for increasing the production of mentioned
chicken needs the investigation of consumers' WTP. So, using
double bound contingent valuation method and logit model,
present study estimates consumers' WTP for green chicken in
Rasht city. Among the explanatory variables applied in logit
model, income and education level had positive and significant
effects on WTP for green chicken. Results revealed that average
WTP for a kg of green chicken equals to 37279 Rials, and
because this WTP does not compensate the production costs,
government protection such as Green subsidy should be considered
in order to expand green products consumption in Iran.