Human is returning to nature more and more. Although he with his
unreasonable and greed activities carried enormous and probable incorrigible
damage, he is only just her little part.
Therefore are undertaken and where is possible, synchronous activities an
all levels of organization-from local to global extent. Aim of these activities is to
decrease level of nature degradation and to coordinate human activities in order to
achieve sustainable development witch implicate safe future for next generation.
Developed world, is more and more oriented on consumption of products
that are produced in harmony with biological and ecological legality or organic
agricultural products that are health safe for consumers.
Serbia is considered territory who's environment us endangerment in smaller
extent or in other words is more preserved. This is result of numerous
circumstances from environmental to historical up to development, and in much
smaller level of inhabitants' sense in last years. Serbia is, thanks to this, suitable for
development of organic agriculture, witch should be used in the future as certain
comparative. The effects of this orientation could be manifolds. The wild flora and
fauna on the principles of sustainable development use of are fit to those
Products that are results of collection and assembling from nature are
including by definition in products of organic production. This paper work is
reviewing just these products, their collection, controlled use, processing and
placement on domestic and international markets.