Structure of agricultural producing in Serbia is unfavorable. Participation of
live stock farming in value of total producing is 40%, and in process of
development in live stock farming is noticeable that goat and sheep farming get
behind. In last few years is express negative trend in number of sheeps and goats.
Parallel with decrease in number of goats and sheeps, negative trend characterized
processes of producing milk, meat, and wools. That is the reason why is so
important to use adequate measure to upgrade race composite, sanitary, nutrition
and care for sheeps and goats and also implementation new biotechnological
In these paper work is presented situation in goats and sheeps farming in
Serbia and emphasis is on last decade (1995-2005). Authors showed fluctuation in
number, quantity in production goats and sheeps milk, meats, and also in producing
sheeps wools. Paper work showed basic characteristic of sheeps and goats race
which are most present in breeding, and in total number. Also presented
possibilities for intensive development and gave same suggestions for promote this
kind of production in Serbia.