More and more keeps encouraging and developing the organic production,
based on natural methods, whose products, as healthy safer, are increasingly
demanded on the market. This production is simultaneously in compliance with
environment preservation and contributes to affirmation of generally accepted
concept of sustainable development. The model of agriculture multifunctionality,
adequate for improvement of rural development, has been accepted in EU, as integral
part of its agrarian policy. As such, it is supported by budget sources both in
countries – candidates and future candidates for EU membership, including Serbia.
Here forgets that the multifunctionality method, observed in frames of economic
activities diversification, in villages in this region, has existed since ever, as well as
total agricultural production in those areas, until few decades ago, had represented
organic production.
Tradition and experience in application of organic production method in
agriculture and development of multifunctional activities in the villages have been
represented in this paper according to the author's memory on '50s of past Century and
practice of village Otišić's inhabitants, located in Dalmatian Zagora, and had been
turned into ashes and practically vanished.