@article{Neves:234963, recid = {234963}, author = {Neves, Marcos Fava and Gray, Allan W. and Bourquard, Brian A.}, title = {Copersucar: A World Leader in Sugar and Ethanol}, journal = {International Food and Agribusiness Management Review}, address = {2016-05-02}, number = {1030-2016-83127}, series = {Volume 19}, pages = {34}, month = {May}, year = {2016}, note = {The IFAMR is published quarterly my IFAMA. For more information visit: www.ifama.org.}, abstract = {Copersucar is a Brazilian sugar and ethanol cooperative founded in 1959. Today, it’s the world’s largest originator and trader of cane sugar, and one of the largest ethanol trading organizations. Copersucar’s mission is to create value through logistic capacity, differentiated trading operations, and operational excellence. The case is designed to help participants conduct both internal and external analyses through engaging, first-hand materials detailing Copersucar’s growth, operations, finances, and cooperative structure. It is written primarily for professional, executive, and graduate students.}, url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/234963}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.234963}, }