The study highlighted problems associated with the establishment of plantations of energy crops, the biomass
of which is earmarked for energy purposes. Many experts share the view that organisation of the source of raw
materials promotes the development of scattered local energy centres. However, the important question is whether
or not it is reasonable to produce biomass from agricultural raw materials and stimulate the development of
this sector. It appears that the question may be answered through the determination of appropriate relationships
between self-sufficiency and food security on the one hand, and the need for supporting the energy security and
climate change mitigation on the other hand. The aim of the study was to identify conditioning of organisation
of the source of raw materials intended for the production of energy from biomass at the local level. Opinions
on this issue were obtained in 2014 through telephone interviews carried out with 66 farm owners who declared
that they cultivated crops intended for energy purposes in Warmińsko-Mazurskie province.