      recid = {233117},
      author = {Kropsz-Wydra, Irena and Kurtyka-Marcak, Izabela},
      title = {Waloryzacja Poziomu Rozwoju Gospodarczego I Społecznego  Obszarów Wiejskich Przygranicza Południowo-Zachodniego},
      journal = {Roczniki (Annals)},
      address = {2015-04},
      number = {1230-2016-99886},
      year = {2015},
      abstract = {The research were designed to evaluate the level of  economic and social development in rural
southwestern  borderland of Poland. Research carried out in 2011 included  76 borderland communes.
Valorization in points showed that  almost half of the analyzed communes have a the  socio-economic
development above the value of average,  while more than 1/3 of the communes was ranked below  average.
The average value of the economic and social  development obtained about 13% of the border communes.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/233117},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.233117},