The results of the evaluation the sustainability of agricultural production using RISE model, in 3
selected farms, implementing the agri-environmental programme 2007-2013, were presented in the paper.
The RISE model (Response-Inducing Sustainability Evaluation) is a tool (computer program) for easy and
holistic assessment of agricultural production sustainability at a farm level in ecological, economic, and
social aspects and enables the initiation of measures to improve the sustainability. The analysis showed
that only one of 3 tested farms, implementing “Organic Farming” package, reached the positive values of
all 12 indices and could be defined as sustainable according to the RISE methods. Other farms obtained the
negative value of the biodiversity indicator. The best economic results achieved the farm of plant production
profile, implementing “Sustainable Agriculture” package whereas the highest values of environmental
indicators characterized organic farm. The evaluation indicated the possible directions of improvement the
agricultural production in tested farms.