Over the last years there has been a debate about the “structural change” in
emerging economies and their impact on the understanding of development. New types
of structuralisms are discussed using the concept of value chain in certain production
sectors that have undergone significant changes.
The objective of this paper is to contribute to the debate about the structural
change of the Argentine grape-wine growing sector using the dual analysis of
“Strengths and Governance”.
First of all, we wish to point out that viticultural production is carried out in
imperfect markets where prices are the result of an asymmetric negotiation between the
purchasing power of a demand that is concentrated in a few firms and an atomized
supply that is in the hands of thousands of producers. We analyze the strengths
resulting from the interaction between the internal factors characteristic of the
production unit and the external forces that operate within a given business
organization. We describe the manner in which the supplier is related to the resources
and the markets. We combine the above analysis with the governance approach, which
refers to the manner in which the relationship among the several actors engaged in
grape-wine growing is governed. We also analyze the relationships between firms and
institutional mechanisms through which coordination actions are implemented outside
the market. Emphasis is laid on the importance of explicitly incorporating
institutionality into the analysis of the grape-wine growing sector chain so as to make
sure that enforcement agencies comply with decisions reached by “consensus”.
One first conclusion of the study refers to the complementariness of both
approaches and, in both cases, there is a continuous segment that spans from
“decentralized coordination to a more centralized one”. By learning how value chains
are governed, it is possible to know how they affect suppliers’ “upgrade” (increasing
the added value of the chain through innovation). The upgrade is illustrated with a case
study in which the knowledge acquired by the innovative firm is spread within the
grape-wine growing sector, giving rise to a positive externality that may be internalized
by means of suitable public policy instruments.