      recid = {230073},
      author = {Rodriguez, Beatriz and McDowell, Donald},
      title = {An Economic Analysis of Entrepreneurship in the Piedmont  Triad of North Carolina},
      address = {2016},
      number = {1376-2016-109614},
      pages = {28},
      year = {2016},
      abstract = {Abstract
Rural America can be characterized as having  lower economic growth, larger poverty levels, and a higher  concentration of the socially disadvantaged. One primary  way of revitalizing and sustaining rural America is through  the development of entrepreneurship opportunities.  Thus,  this study focuses on increasing the number and  sustainability of entrepreneurs targeting the rural areas  of North Carolina. This study employed a combination of  analytical approaches to examine past and ongoing factors  that contribute to rural entrepreneurs’ success in the  Piedmont Triad Prosperity Zone. Data derived from a survey  of current entrepreneurs in the Piedmont Triad Prosperity  Zone was analyzed using various qualitative and  quantitative statistical methods. Analysis of variance was  used to determine if there is statistical significant  difference in growth of the different size of firms in  different economic sectors. Trade area analysis was  employed to determine the magnitude of consumer migration  to various counties. The data indicated a larger migration  of consumers from rural counties to the urban counties,  taking advantage of agglomeration. Factor analysis and  linear regression revealed that the sustainability  (survival) of entrepreneurship was dependent on demographic  and socio-economic factors such as business structure,  location, gender, obstacles and, marital status.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/230073},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.230073},