@article{CAO:212548, recid = {212548}, author = {CAO, Yingzhi and HE, Guanshun}, title = {Guidance Value of Marine Functional Zoning System to Allocation of China’s Marine Resources}, journal = {Asian Agricultural Research}, address = {2015-09}, number = {1812-2016-144346}, pages = {3}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The issue of marine resources is receiving closer and closer attention of national marine management authorities. For this issue, it is necessary to seek basic basis from legal institutions of marine functional zoning system. This paper analyzed basic connotation, development process and basic characteristics of marine functional zoning system, discussed internal relation between marine functional zoning system and marine resource allocation, and studied guidance value of marine functional zoning system to allocation of marine resources.}, url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/212548}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.212548}, }