Rainwater harvesting (RWH) has been practiced and promoted to address the temporal and
spatial variability of rainfall, thereby enhance agriculture production in rainfed systems. The
practices could also address the problem of land degradation. However, there is limited
practice of approaching RWH from the perspective of managing both the water and land
resources. This paper analyses the various combination rainwater harvesting practices
(RWHP) on a single plot using multivariate probit. The result reveals that there is a
significant correlation between the RWHPs and use of the practices is interdependent,
depicting either complementarities or substitutabilities between the practices. The practices
are influenced differently to the set of explanatory variables considered. This implies the
different RWHP would require specific entry point and promotion strategy. This study
suggests that policies that enhance the integration of RWHP would be central to exploit the
full value of the land and water resource for livelihood support.