

The study analyses the agricultural inputs by applying production and cost functions. The economic and technical impact of the agricultural inputs on quantity and quality of production were analyzed. The ultimate objective of this study is to examine the different means to increase production efficiency. The results of this study would be utilized as an indicator to analyze the existing polices and to be used to formulate the future programs and policies. The study has relied on primary sample data collected from field study by applying a questionnaire, which was conducted in three villages of three districts in Sharkia governorate. The field study included 90 farmers from each village equally distributed between three holding sets less than one feddan, 1-3 feddans. and greater than 3 feddans). In order to achieve the study objectives, a logarithmic production function was applied to analyze these data Recommended : The results of the study referred to the possibility of increasing the production with less increase of input cost for all the crops under study by improving the quality and quantity efficiency of the agricultural inputs especially the Nitrogen fertilizer and seeds for the wheat, corn, and rice crops. The study also clarified that pesticides is one of the most important factors in determining cotton productivity. The study showed the importance of monitoring and following up on the annual production pattern in identifying the quantity and quality of the needed inputs. The study recommends that farmers should be notified with the exact timing of applying the optimal utilization rate of these inputs.




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