      recid = {209746},
      author = {Sarwar, A.K.M. and Karim, M. and Rana, S.M.A.},
      title = {Influence of stomatal characteristics on yield and yield  attributes of rice},
      journal = {Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University},
      address = {2013},
      number = {452-2016-35535},
      pages = {6},
      year = {2013},
      abstract = {Stomatal distribution is found to be an important trait of  rice cultivars for increasing yield. A total of six rice  cultivars,
three from each of inbred and hybrid cultivars,  were used to study stomatal distribution on the leaf  epidermis and its
influence on yield and yield attributing  characters of rice during the Boro season. The hybrid  cultivars exhibited
superiority in respect of number of  stomata, length and breadth of stomatal apparatus. They  also produced longer
panicle, higher number of filled  grains panicle–1, heavier grains and finally, higher grain  yield ha–1 than inbreds. The
higher grain yield of the  hybrid cultivars might be due to higher number of large  sized stomata causing higher
photosynthetic efficacy,  although, they produced relatively lower number of  effective tillers hill–1.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/209746},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.209746},